Proposal for Constitution Amemdments 2017/2018

Last Updated: 02 November 2017


 Membership Restrictions

            Page 2/6 to add item no. 8 as follows:

  1. Associate membership shall be restricted and controlled as follows:
  2. i) Regular or Ordinary Executive Committee members can sponsor a maximum of five Associate members; and
  1. ii) Regular and Ordinary members can sponsor up to three Associate members.
  1. The Association executive committee evaluated the work load on the Tournament Director in searching suitable golf courses for all the tournaments and Road Trip. As a result, the committee determined that it is required that the Tournament Director be assisted by another person

Page 3/6: para 11 sub para g) is to add g) (i) Assistant Tournament Director

  1. Page 5/6: para 25 change in red: The Executive Committee may authorize expenditures of a non-recurring nature not to exceed $500 per transaction and $1,000 per annum. Change $500 to $1,500 per transaction and $1,000 to $2,500 per annum
  2. Page A 3/7: para 2 sub para f) shall include the following:

Assistant Tournament Director: shall be elected by the general membership for the period of one year. The duties and responsibilities of the Assistant Tournament Director include:

  1. i) assist in organizing Association tournaments, as approved at the General Meetings;
  2. ii)         assist Tournament Director in providing the Executive Committee with a statement of revenue and expenses as soon as practicable;
  3. ii)           assist Tournament Director in submitting budget requests for road trip and tournament related expenditures for the next year’s budget; and

 iii)          assist in organizing tournaments and road trips, and assume Tournament Director duties and responsibilities in his absence.

  1. Page A 4/7 para 7 shall be amended to include:

Association members will be responsible for non-budgeted expenses that may be incurred for Association activities including social events, except for hole-in-one insurance in the Association sanctioned events. Hole-in-one costs in the Association’s sanctioned events shall be borne by the Association.

Lt(N) M.A. Gudal
CFB Esquimalt Golf Association