Golf Canada Membership
There are many advantages to obtaining a Golf Canada Membership. CFBEGA members should
consider these points when deciding whether to opt in when renewing their CFBEGA membership.
Improve your game
Keep track of your stats and improve your game with an official Golf Canada Handicap Index with online mobile tools.
Protect your Gear
Up to $2500 reimbursement for damaged, lost, or stolen equipment, up to $2500 for damage to golf carts and up to $1000 for property damage incidents such as broken windows from errant shots.
Save Instantly
Enjoy deals with Golf Canada partners Avis, Hilton and Levelwear as well as Golf Canada gear and event tickets.
At our club level, maintaining an official Golf Canada handicap enables members to compete fairly during tournaments and our club championship. Members playing in these events without an official handicap will be given a zero handicap for the purpose of scoring.
Regular Price for a Golf Canada membership is $60 per year. Through CFBEGA you will get a subsidized rate of $45 per year
Welcome to 2025
The 2025/26 Golf Season is fast approching. We have another great year of golf ahead of us with CFBEGA events highlighted below:
Registration - Registration for Regular and Ordinary members will open 01 Mar 2025. Registration for Associate members will open 15 Mar 2025. Stay tuned for link to registration and for updates to fees. Once again early registrations will be deleted.
Season Opener Tournament - Monday 12th of May 2025 at Cowichan Golf Club
666 Tournament - Friday 25 July 2025 at Arbutus Ridge Golf Club
Club Championship - Sep 5th and 6th 2025 at Olympic View Golf Club and Arbutis Ridge Golf Club
Fall Fiasco Tournament - Friday Oct 10th 2025 at Highland Pacific Golf.
Annual Road Trip - 2nd, 3rd, 4th of June 2025 Kelowna BC - Sunset Ranch Golf Club, Black Mountain Golf Club and Shannon Lake Golf Course.
Lastly be prepared for some small increases in yearly dues and green fees due to rising costs at all golf courses.
Wishing everyone a great year of golf and hope to see everyone out at our events.
Proposed Constitution Amendments
Page Para/Sentence Recommended Amendment
A-1/7 Page to be updated with current signature blocks and signed by current incumbents
– remove underlining from “recommended” and “approved”
A-3/7 Para 6b(2)(5) Remove these para’s, IAW updated eligibility criteria
A-3/7 Para 6c(1) Update to include “who has a business or professional relationship with
DND/CAF/RCN” before “may be invited”
A-4/7 Para 10 Remove “The Executive, in consultation with the membership, will set the fees”
(this is covered in Para 5a on Page A-2/7) and additional remarks for fees noted in
Annex B under “Membership Fees”
B-5/6 Para 8 and 9 Recommend remove “The Association fees are as follows:” and replace with “The
Association fees will be voted on annually at the AGM and maintained on the
CFBEGA website”
Also, remove all subpara’s and Para 9 in its entirety
B-6/6 Para 13 and 14 Add space between these para’s
A-7/7 New (after para
Extensive planning and liaison with golf courses is required to ensure the
Association is situated to execute four regular season tournaments and an annual
road trip. The Association is required to commit to these events approx. 2 weeks in
advance and pay deposits (non-refundable) ahead of the events. There is a
requirement for members to register and pay in advance of these events.
Understanding that life events happen, a robust refund policy is in place to ensure
fairness to our members without causing financial risk to the Association. Last
minute cancellations and/or reduction in player numbers comes at a cost to the
The Associations cancellation and refund policy is as follows:
1. Members are expected to commit to the events during registration.
2. Members cancelling with 2 weeks notice (prior to the Association’s
committal date) should be granted a full refund.
3. Members cancelling within 2 weeks of the event start date will be subject
to a refund review board consisting of the following members of the
Executive (Tournament and Assistant Tournament Director / Treasurer /
President or Vice-President). Reasons provided by the member will be
taken into consideration during the review board, however improper
planning (time off from work, graduations, weddings, etc.) will not be
considered factors as these type of events are normally planned long in
Replacement Players – during registration, a list is collected known as the “spares
list”. If a member cancels, the Executive (Tournament or Assistant Tournament
Director, will contact the first player on the spares list to offer the spot, this is not
to be done by the members and ensures fairness during the registration process.
Reimbursements – depending on the timeline and reasons, members can expect
anywhere from a full reimbursement or a pro-rated amount, pending any costs
borne by the Association due to late cancellations and ability to backfill the
position (this amount will be decided through the refund review board).
AGM 2024
Date: Tuesday 26 November 2024
Time:1700-1900 hrs
Location: C&POs Mess
Pizza will be served.